Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I hope everyone has had just as much FUN this summer as we have. Things have been busy but lots of fun. We got things off to a start with Carters Birthday on May 30Th. We had all the family over and Waldo the Cat made and appearance. It was lots of fun. We went to Grandma and Grandpa's Cabin in Island Park. Went to Lagoon with all the cousins. Besides Carter not understanding there are lines, and you have to wait, things went smooth. With everyone that could ride on rides we took up the whole Bulgie the Whale ride. 8 kids. They all had a blast. Carter has been swimming almost everyday with Aunt Erica. He loves the water. For the Fourth of July we went up to Huntsville for the parade. Kassi didn't really like all the noise. Carter liked all the candy. I can't believe how time fly's by. Carter is going to Pre-School. Kassi is growing so fast. She loves to smile and get as much attention as possible. Which is hard to give with two kids.


The Wilson Family said...

Hey we were at Huntsville parade. We go every year and run the race and have breakfast. I wish we could've seen you. Brennen constantly asks where Carter is. I feel like we are long lost friends when you only live ten minutes away! Kass is so cute!! Seriously everyone just says that but I truely mean that with your kids!!

Dave and Julie said...

We had the same problem at Lagoon. They just don't understand the waiting in line thing. Your kids are growing up so fast. They are sure cute.

Megan said...

I can't believe how big your little girl is - times flies when you are stressed out with two kids huh?! LOL. Sounds like you guys have kept busy and have been having a fun summer.

Tyra said...

hey we need to get our cute kids together to play again...maybe we should do the chuckee cheese thing again...